por Comunicação Arayara | 13, set, 2022 | Fracking |
13 de septiembre de 2022
¿Qué es el fracking?
El fracking, también conocido como fracturamiento hidráulico, es un proceso que implica la inyección de grandes volúmenes de agua, productos químicos y arena a alta presión en capas de roca subterránea para liberar el gas natural atrapado. Aunque es una técnica utilizada en varios países, es controvertida debido a los daños ambientales y ecológicos que causa, como la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas, la liberación de gases de efecto invernadero, los terremotos inducidos, entre otros.
La COESUS – Coalición No al Fracking Brasil por el Agua y la Vida, una campaña del Instituto Internacional Arayara, estuvo presente en el Quilombo de Faveira, ubicado en São João dos Patos, en el estado de Maranhão, para llevar a cabo una importante capacitación con 32 residentes. El objetivo del encuentro fue informar y concientizar a la comunidad sobre los impactos del fracking.
Durante la capacitación, representantes de COESUS presentaron información y evidencia científica que demuestra los riesgos asociados al fracking, además de compartir experiencias de otras regiones donde la técnica ya está en funcionamiento. El objetivo fue proporcionar herramientas para que los residentes del Quilombo de Faveira puedan comprender los impactos potenciales y tomar decisiones informadas sobre la preservación de sus territorios.
COESUS destacó la importancia de la unidad y movilización de la comunidad para enfrentar los desafíos planteados por el fracking, enfatizando que la defensa del hogar común y la protección del medio ambiente son responsabilidades de todos. Los residentes del Quilombo de Faveira mostraron un gran interés y compromiso durante la capacitación, demostrando su determinación en proteger su territorio y garantizar un futuro sostenible para las generaciones futuras.
El intercambio de información y experiencias fortaleció los lazos entre la comunidad y COESUS, reafirmando la importancia de las alianzas para construir un movimiento cada vez más sólido en defensa del medio ambiente.
por Comunicação Arayara | 13, set, 2022 | Fracking |
13 de septiembre de 2022
¿Qué es el fracking?
El fracking, también conocido como fracturamiento hidráulico, es un proceso que implica la inyección de grandes volúmenes de agua, productos químicos y arena a alta presión en capas de roca subterránea para liberar el gas natural atrapado. Aunque es una técnica utilizada en varios países, es controvertida debido a los daños ambientales y ecológicos que causa, como la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas, la liberación de gases de efecto invernadero, los terremotos inducidos, entre otros.
No al Fracking Brasil, a través de la Coalición No al Fracking Brasil por el Agua y la Vida, una campaña del Instituto Internacional Arayara, está comprometido en una lucha que va más allá de cuestiones políticas o económicas. Es una lucha por la vida, la salud y el futuro. Para ello, la coalición une a personas de diversas creencias en pro de un propósito mayor: cuidar del planeta. Desde el principio, la asociación de No al Fracking Brasil con iglesias, templos religiosos y lugares sagrados es una realidad, ya que la protección del medio ambiente es responsabilidad de todos.
Combatir el fracking es decir sí a la vida, es afirmar que deseamos un planeta en el que podamos vivir en armonía con la naturaleza y los animales. Es querer beber agua limpia, comer alimentos libres de químicos tóxicos provenientes del fracking y respirar aire puro.
Durante la campaña de No al Fracking Brasil, la Coalición No al Fracking Brasil visitó cientos de iglesias en más de 17 estados brasileños, llevando la concienciación sobre los peligros de la extracción del gas de esquisto. Con ello, encontró aliados en la defensa de la vida, como la Iglesia Católica, representada por la Conferencia Nacional de los Obispos de Brasil (CNBB), diversas iglesias evangélicas, entre otras.
En el municipio de Sucupira do Riachão, en Maranhão, el equipo de No al Fracking Brasil se reunió con el pastor Pantaleão, líder de la iglesia “O Senhor é o meu Pastor”, quien rechazó el fracking y se comprometió a llevar la palabra en defensa de la vida a su congregación.
La participación activa de las instituciones religiosas en esta lucha es de suma importancia, ya que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la formación de conciencias y la promoción de valores éticos y espirituales. Al abrazar la causa de la protección del medio ambiente y la lucha contra el fracking, las iglesias y sus líderes demuestran un compromiso con la vida.
No al Fracking Brasil reconoce la importancia de estas alianzas y continúa comprometido en promover la concienciación sobre los impactos negativos del fracking y la necesidad de buscar alternativas energéticas más sostenibles. El trabajo conjunto entre la coalición y las instituciones religiosas fortalece el mensaje de preservación de la vida y refuerza la importancia de cuidar nuestro hogar común.
por Comunicação Arayara | 13, set, 2022 | Fracking |
September 13, 2022
What is fracking?
Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.
COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, is engaged in a struggle that goes beyond political or economic issues. It is a struggle for life, health and the future. For this, the coalition unites people of various beliefs in favor of a greater purpose: taking care of the planet. Since the beginning, COESUS’ partnership with churches, religious temples and sacred places has been a reality, since the defense of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
Combating fracking is saying yes to life, it is saying that we want a planet where we can live in harmony with nature, with animals. It’s wanting to drink clean water, eat food free of toxic chemicals from fracking, and breathe clean air.
During the No Fracking Brazil campaign, COESUS visited hundreds of churches in more than 17 Brazilian states, raising awareness about the dangers of shale gas extraction. With that, he found allies in the defense of life, such as the Catholic Church, represented by the CNBB – National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, several evangelical churches, among others.
In the municipality of Sucupira do Riachão, in Maranhão, the COESUS team met with Pastor Pantaleão, leader of the church “O Senhor é o meu Pastor”, who repudiated fracking and pledged to take the word of defense of life to his congregation.
The active participation of religious institutions in this struggle is extremely important, as they play a fundamental role in raising awareness and promoting ethical and spiritual values. By embracing the cause of protecting the environment and fighting fracking, churches and their leaders demonstrate a commitment to life.
COESUS recognizes the importance of these partnerships and remains committed to promoting awareness about the negative impacts of fracking and the need to seek more sustainable energy alternatives. The joint work between the coalition and religious institutions strengthens the message of preserving life and reinforces the importance of taking care of our common home.
por Comunicação Arayara | 13, set, 2022 | Fracking |
Meeting took place to affirm commitment to Faith, Peace and Climate
What is fracking?
Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.
COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, maintains a partnership with the Catholic Church in defense of life and against the so-called “Gas of Death”. In each city that COESUS visits, the local church is sought to reaffirm the partnership established in defense of the planet and the protection of life.
On September 13, 2022, Não Fracking Brasil had the opportunity to talk to Father Francielio, from São João dos Patos, Maranhão. The priest made himself available to the team to help raise awareness and introduced them to the Bishop of Caxias, Dom Sebastião. The pontiff invited the COESUS team and its representative, Dalcio Costa, to participate in the X Youth Pilgrimage and talk to the young people present about the impacts of fracking at work and in life. The theme of the pilgrimage was “Our Shout is for Work and Life” .
In addition, the team also had the opportunity to talk with the Bishop of Balsas, Dom Valentim. During the meeting, he reinforced the fight against fracking and shared about a project he initiated to plant 8 million trees.
The presence of COESUS in religious communities is extremely important, as awareness of the dangers of fracking and the defense of the environment are closely linked to the values of faith and peace. The church plays a fundamental role in raising the awareness of the faithful and in promoting concrete actions in favor of preserving the planet.
In this sense, the partnership between COESUS and religious leaders strengthens the message of protection for the “common home” and life in all its forms. The awareness of young people, in particular, is essential, as they are the ones who will inherit the future and will face the impacts of decisions made today.
COESUS maintains its commitment to Dom Sebastião, Dom Valentim and many other religious leaders in defense of the environment and against fracking.
por Comunicação Arayara | 13, set, 2022 | Fracking |
Date: September 13, 2022
What is fracking?
Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.
COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, was present at Quilombo de Faveira, located in São João dos Patos, in the state of Maranhão, to carry out an important training course with 32 residents. The objective of the meeting was to inform and make the community aware of the impacts of Fracking.
During the training, COESUS representatives presented information and scientific evidence that demonstrate the risks associated with Fracking, in addition to sharing experiences from other regions where the technique is already in operation. The aim was to provide subsidies so that the residents of Quilombo de Faveira could understand the potential impacts and make informed decisions about the preservation of their territories.
COESUS highlighted the importance of uniting and mobilizing the community to face the challenges brought by Fracking, emphasizing that defending our common home and protecting the environment are everyone’s responsibility. Residents of Quilombo de Faveira showed great interest and engagement during the training, demonstrating their determination to protect their territory and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
The exchange of information and experiences strengthened the ties between the community and COESUS, reaffirming the importance of partnerships for building an increasingly solid movement in defense of the environment.