+55 (41) 9 8445 0000 arayara@arayara.org

Arayara Institute trains young people from Santa Catarina to deal with the challenges of the energy transition

Pioneering event brings together young activists to deepen their knowledge of renewable energy and promote sustainable change.


Santa Catarina – In the breathtaking scenery of Santa Catarina, a promising movement is taking shape. The Arayara Institute, an organization known for its work for socio-environmental justice, held an event that is redefining the role of young people in driving the energy transition. Over the past weekend, the training brought together young people from different parts of the state to debate and prepare to lead the change towards a cleaner and more equal energy system.

An Urgent Approach to a Global Problem


In the face of growing concerns about climate change and the search for energy sources, the energy transition has become a globally important issue. Santa Catarina, despite its natural beauty, faces challenges experienced in its energy matrix. Dependence on fossil fuels and over-exploitation of natural resources have led to environmental and social impacts, prompting the need for radical change.


Training Leaders for a Sustainable Future

The training program organized by the Arayara Institute had a clear purpose: to train and empower young people from Santa Catarina to lead the just energy transition. The event presented a platform for workshops, lectures and practical activities, covering everything from the basic principles of renewable energy to advanced advocacy and public awareness strategies.


Pillars of the Event

Enlightening Workshops: Experienced experts shared knowledge and insights on renewable energy sources, the green economy and integrating social justice into the energy transition.

Stories that Inspire: Young local activists, true agents of change, shared their journeys and experiences in getting their communities on board with sustainable energy solutions.

Strategic Connections: The event encouraged networking among the young participants, promoting collaboration and joint project planning.

Practical Action: Participants had the opportunity to put what they had learned into practice by visiting local renewable energy projects.


The training carried out by the Arayara Institute marks a turning point in the training of young leaders in Santa Catarina. The new generation is being prepared to face energy challenges proactively, with an eye to a future in which energy is clean, fair and accessible to all.


At a crucial moment in the fight against climate change, the training provided by the Arayara Institute is playing a key role. By providing tools and knowledge, the organization is paving the way for young people in Santa Catarina to become advocates of the energy transition, guaranteeing a more sustainable future for generations to come.


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