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English/Español – COP26: Arayara launches this Thursday (4) report on the toxic legacy of the Jorge Lacerda thermal power plant in Santa Catarina

In a debate at the Climate Conference, the map of contamination on one million people impacted by the coal industry in the state will be released; the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, will also participate

Arayara International Institute, the Coal Observatory and the Coal Watch organization launch on Thursday (4), during the COP26 in Glasgow (Scotland), the technical report “The Toxic Legacy of Engie-Fram Capital and Diamond in Brazil: Map of the Destruction Contamination Generated by the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Complex and the suppliers Coal Mines”.

The debate, which will be broadcasted in Portuguese and English over the internet, will be attended by Eduardo Leite (Governor of Rio Grande do Sul), Nicole Oliveira (director of the Arayara International Institute and the Mineral Coal Observatory), Roberto Kishinami (Institute Climate and Society, iCS), Ricardo Baitelo, (Institute of Energy and Environment, IEMA) and Lucie Pinson (Reclaim Finance (TBC).

Governor Eduardo Leite will address the problems related to the Guaíba Mine project, the largest project of open coal mine in Latin America, located in Rio Grande do Sul.

The project has only not been implemented due to the Public Civil Action filed in the federal court in October 2019 by the Arayara International Institute. It is expected that during the event the gaucho governor will announce a new state policy for coal mining.

Engie’s toxic legacy in SC

In the debate, the performance of the company Engie in Brazil, owner until recently of the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Complex, will be analyzed.

Since March 2021, technicians from the Arayara International Institute have been making recurring collections of sediment, water and soil samples from the surroundings of the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Power Station and the mines that supply it.

The results of the analysis of these materials confirm that residential and agricultural areas are contaminated, exposing a population of more than one million people to severe health risks. It is estimated that the costs for environmental recovery and repair of the damage caused to the population’s health far exceed the R$1.5 billion that have already been contemplated in Public Civil Suits in progress or under execution.

Day: 11/04/2021

Local Time: 7am-8am Brazil time. 10am-11pm Glasgow time

The debate will be broadcasted in Portuguese and English on the Brazil Climate Hub website (https://www.brazilclimatehub.org/events/obsolescencia-do-carvao-descomissionando-um-legado-toxico-rumo-a-transicao-justa) and the chat will be open for questions.

Venue for the debate in Glasgow: Brazil Climate Action Hub – COP26, Blue Zone, Hall 4, entrance 4B – Pavilion 47



Observatory of Mineral Coal

Climate and Society Institute


More information: 

At COP26: Nicole Figueiredo de Oliveira (nicole@arayara.org)

In Brazil: Carlos Tautz, Press Officer (carlos.tautz@arayara.org and 0055- 21-99658-8835)

COP26: Arayara launches this Thursday (4) report on the toxic legacy of the Jorge Lacerda thermal power plant in Santa Catarina

In a debate at the Climate Conference, the map of contamination on one million people impacted by the coal industry in the state will be released; the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, will also participate

Arayara International Institute, the Coal Observatory and the Coal Watch organization launch on Thursday (4), during the COP26 in Glasgow (Scotland), the technical report “The Toxic Legacy of Engie-Fram Capital and Diamond in Brazil: Map of the Destruction Contamination Generated by the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Complex and the suppliers Coal Mines”.

The debate, which will be broadcasted in Portuguese and English over the internet, will be attended by Eduardo Leite (Governor of Rio Grande do Sul), Nicole Oliveira (director of the Arayara International Institute and the Mineral Coal Observatory), Roberto Kishinami (Institute Climate and Society, iCS), Ricardo Baitelo, (Institute of Energy and Environment, IEMA) and Lucie Pinson (Reclaim Finance (TBC).

Governor Eduardo Leite will address the problems related to the Guaíba Mine project, the largest project of open coal mine in Latin America, located in Rio Grande do Sul.

The project has only not been implemented due to the Public Civil Action filed in the federal court in October 2019 by the Arayara International Institute. It is expected that during the event the gaucho governor will announce a new state policy for coal mining.

Engie’s toxic legacy in SC

In the debate, the performance of the company Engie in Brazil, owner until recently of the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Complex, will be analyzed.

Since March 2021, technicians from the Arayara International Institute have been making recurring collections of sediment, water and soil samples from the surroundings of the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Power Station and the mines that supply it.

The results of the analysis of these materials confirm that residential and agricultural areas are contaminated, exposing a population of more than one million people to severe health risks. It is estimated that the costs for environmental recovery and repair of the damage caused to the population’s health far exceed the R$1.5 billion that have already been contemplated in Public Civil Suits in progress or under execution.

Day: 11/04/2021

Local Time: 7am-8am Brazil time. 10am-11pm Glasgow time

The debate will be broadcasted in Portuguese and English on the Brazil Climate Hub website (https://www.brazilclimatehub.org/events/obsolescencia-do-carvao-descomissionando-um-legado-toxico-rumo-a-transicao-justa) and the chat will be open for questions.

Venue for the debate in Glasgow: Brazil Climate Action Hub – COP26, Blue Zone, Hall 4, entrance 4B – Pavilion 47



Observatory of Mineral Coal

Climate and Society Institute


More information: 

At COP26: Nicole Figueiredo de Oliveira (nicole@arayara.org)

In Brazil: Carlos Tautz, Press Officer (carlos.tautz@arayara.org and 0055- 21-99658-8835)

COP26: Arayara lanza este jueves (4) un informe sobre el legado tóxico de la Central Termoeléctrica Jorge Lacerda en El Estado de  Santa Catarina

En un debate en la Conferencia sobre el Clima, se dará a conocer el mapa de la contaminación sobre un millón de personas afectadas por la industria del carbón en el Estado; el Gobernador de Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, también participará en el debate

El Instituto Internacional Arayara, el Observatorio del Carbón y la organización Coal Watch lanzan este jueves (4), durante la COP26 en Glasgow (Escocia), el informe técnico “El legado tóxico de Engie-Fram Capital y Diamante en Brasil: Mapa de la contaminación destructiva generada por el Complejo Termoeléctrico Jorge Lacerda y las minas de carbón que lo abastecen”. 

El debate, que se transmitirá en portugués e inglés por Internet, contará con la participación de Eduardo Leite (Gobernador de Rio Grande do Sul), Nicole Oliveira (Directora del Instituto Arayara y del Observatorio del Carbón Mineral), Roberto Kishinami (Instituto Clima y Sociedad, iCS), Ricardo Baitelo, (Instituto de Energía y Medio Ambiente, IEMA) y Lucie Pinson (Reclaim Finance (TBC).

El gobernador Eduardo Leite abordará los problemas relacionados con el proyecto de la Mina Guaíba, la mayor mina de carbón a cielo abierto de América Latina, situada en RS. El proyecto sólo no se ha ejecutado debido a la Acción Civil Pública presentada en el tribunal federal en octubre de 2019 por el Instituto Internacional Arayara. Se espera que durante el evento el gobernador gaucho anuncie una nueva política estatal gaucha para el carbón.

El legado tóxico de Engie en el Estado de Santa Catarina

En el debate se analizará la actuación de la empresa Engie en Brasil, propietaria hasta hace poco del Complejo Termoeléctrico Jorge Lacerda.

Desde marzo de 2021, los técnicos del Instituto Internacional Arayara vienen realizando recogidas recurrentes de muestras de sedimentos, agua y suelo en el entorno del Complejo Termoeléctrico Jorge Lacerda y las minas que lo abastecen.

Los resultados del análisis de estos materiales confirman que las zonas residenciales y agrícolas están contaminadas, exponiendo a una población de más de un millón de personas a graves riesgos sanitarios.

Se estima que los costos de recuperación ambiental y de reparación de los daños causados a la salud de la población superan con creces los 1.500 millones de reales que ya han sido contemplados en las Demandas Civiles Públicas en curso o en ejecución.

Día: 04/11/2021

Hora de Glasgow: de 10:00 a 23:00 horas y 7 – 10 horas (hora de Brasil)

El debate se retransmitirá en portugués e inglés en la página web de Brazil Climate Hub (https://www.brazilclimatehub.org/events/obsolescencia-do-carvao-descomissionando-um-legado-toxico-rumo-a-transicao-justa) y el chat estará abierto a preguntas.

Lugar del debate en Glasgow: Brazil Climate Action Hub – COP26, Zona Azul, Pabellón 4, entrada 4B – Pabellón 47



Observatorio del carbón mineral

Instituto Clima y Sociedad


Más información:

En la COP26: Nicole Figueiredo de Oliveira (nicole@arayara.org)

En Brasil: Oficina de Prensa de Carlos Tautz (carlos.tautz@arayara.org y 21-99658-8835)


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