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Balsas against fracking

Balsas against fracking

The city was the stage for a public hearing that brought together representatives from several cities in the region


What is fracking?

Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.


On September 21, 2022, COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, in partnership with the Union of Councilors and Municipal Chambers of Maranhão (UVCM), held a public hearing at the city hall of councilors from Balsas. The central theme of the event was “The risks of shale exploration using the fracking method in the municipalities of Maranhão”.

The audience brought together representatives of the municipalities of Balsas, São João dos Patos, São Pedro dos Crentes, São Raimundo da Mangabeira and Loreto. Several authorities were invited to compose the table of honor, among them the technician from COESUS, Suelita Röcker, the president of UVCM, Asaf Pereira Sobrinho, the mayor of Balsas, Moises Coelho e Silva Neto, the director of UFMA – campus Balsas, Gisélia Brito dos Santos, the representative of SindiBalsas, Daniel Marcos Lech, the manager of AGERP, Manoel Carvalho Martins, a representative of the Secretary of Environment of Balsas, and Father Nadir, representing Bishop Dom Valentim, of the diocese of Balsas .

During the hearing, the main impacts that fracking causes on water, health, agriculture and economy were discussed. Attention was drawn to the municipality of Balsas, whose economy is strongly based on agriculture. Councilor Tio Jardel, from São João dos Patos, a pioneer municipality in the approval of a municipal law that makes it difficult for oil companies to enter fracking, had the opportunity to share his experience when visiting areas in Argentina where fracking is already present.

After the end of the discussions, the population and councilors raised questions that were answered by the COESUS team. The public hearing served as a space to inform the community about the dangers of fracking and to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and preserving public health.


No al Fracking Brasil mantiene una alianza con representantes religiosos en favor de un futuro sostenible

No al Fracking Brasil mantiene una alianza con representantes religiosos en favor de un futuro sostenible


13 de septiembre de 2022

¿Qué es el fracking?

El fracking, también conocido como fracturamiento hidráulico, es un proceso que implica la inyección de grandes volúmenes de agua, productos químicos y arena a alta presión en capas de roca subterránea para liberar el gas natural atrapado. Aunque es una técnica utilizada en varios países, es controvertida debido a los daños ambientales y ecológicos que causa, como la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas, la liberación de gases de efecto invernadero, los terremotos inducidos, entre otros.

No al Fracking Brasil, a través de la Coalición No al Fracking Brasil por el Agua y la Vida, una campaña del Instituto Internacional Arayara, está comprometido en una lucha que va más allá de cuestiones políticas o económicas. Es una lucha por la vida, la salud y el futuro. Para ello, la coalición une a personas de diversas creencias en pro de un propósito mayor: cuidar del planeta. Desde el principio, la asociación de No al Fracking Brasil con iglesias, templos religiosos y lugares sagrados es una realidad, ya que la protección del medio ambiente es responsabilidad de todos.

Combatir el fracking es decir sí a la vida, es afirmar que deseamos un planeta en el que podamos vivir en armonía con la naturaleza y los animales. Es querer beber agua limpia, comer alimentos libres de químicos tóxicos provenientes del fracking y respirar aire puro.

Durante la campaña de No al Fracking Brasil, la Coalición No al Fracking Brasil visitó cientos de iglesias en más de 17 estados brasileños, llevando la concienciación sobre los peligros de la extracción del gas de esquisto. Con ello, encontró aliados en la defensa de la vida, como la Iglesia Católica, representada por la Conferencia Nacional de los Obispos de Brasil (CNBB), diversas iglesias evangélicas, entre otras.

En el municipio de Sucupira do Riachão, en Maranhão, el equipo de No al Fracking Brasil se reunió con el pastor Pantaleão, líder de la iglesia “O Senhor é o meu Pastor”, quien rechazó el fracking y se comprometió a llevar la palabra en defensa de la vida a su congregación.

La participación activa de las instituciones religiosas en esta lucha es de suma importancia, ya que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la formación de conciencias y la promoción de valores éticos y espirituales. Al abrazar la causa de la protección del medio ambiente y la lucha contra el fracking, las iglesias y sus líderes demuestran un compromiso con la vida.

No al Fracking Brasil reconoce la importancia de estas alianzas y continúa comprometido en promover la concienciación sobre los impactos negativos del fracking y la necesidad de buscar alternativas energéticas más sostenibles. El trabajo conjunto entre la coalición y las instituciones religiosas fortalece el mensaje de preservación de la vida y refuerza la importancia de cuidar nuestro hogar común.

No al Fracking Brasil mantiene una alianza con representantes religiosos en favor de un futuro sostenible

Não Fracking Brasil maintains a partnership with religious representatives in favor of a sustainable future


September 13, 2022

What is fracking?

Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.


COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, is engaged in a struggle that goes beyond political or economic issues. It is a struggle for life, health and the future. For this, the coalition unites people of various beliefs in favor of a greater purpose: taking care of the planet. Since the beginning, COESUS’ partnership with churches, religious temples and sacred places has been a reality, since the defense of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

Combating fracking is saying yes to life, it is saying that we want a planet where we can live in harmony with nature, with animals. It’s wanting to drink clean water, eat food free of toxic chemicals from fracking, and breathe clean air.

During the No Fracking Brazil campaign, COESUS visited hundreds of churches in more than 17 Brazilian states, raising awareness about the dangers of shale gas extraction. With that, he found allies in the defense of life, such as the Catholic Church, represented by the CNBB – National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, several evangelical churches, among others.

In the municipality of Sucupira do Riachão, in Maranhão, the COESUS team met with Pastor Pantaleão, leader of the church “O Senhor é o meu Pastor”, who repudiated fracking and pledged to take the word of defense of life to his congregation.

The active participation of religious institutions in this struggle is extremely important, as they play a fundamental role in raising awareness and promoting ethical and spiritual values. By embracing the cause of protecting the environment and fighting fracking, churches and their leaders demonstrate a commitment to life.

COESUS recognizes the importance of these partnerships and remains committed to promoting awareness about the negative impacts of fracking and the need to seek more sustainable energy alternatives. The joint work between the coalition and religious institutions strengthens the message of preserving life and reinforces the importance of taking care of our common home.


No al Fracking Brasil mantiene una alianza con representantes religiosos en favor de un futuro sostenible

Não Fracking Brasil maintains a partnership with religious representatives in favor of a sustainable future


September 13, 2022

What is fracking?

Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.


COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, is engaged in a struggle that goes beyond political or economic issues. It is a struggle for life, health and the future. For this, the coalition unites people of various beliefs in favor of a greater purpose: taking care of the planet. Since the beginning, COESUS’ partnership with churches, religious temples and sacred places has been a reality, since the defense of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

Combating fracking is saying yes to life, it is saying that we want a planet where we can live in harmony with nature, with animals. It’s wanting to drink clean water, eat food free of toxic chemicals from fracking, and breathe clean air.

During the No Fracking Brazil campaign, COESUS visited hundreds of churches in more than 17 Brazilian states, raising awareness about the dangers of shale gas extraction. With that, he found allies in the defense of life, such as the Catholic Church, represented by the CNBB – National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, several evangelical churches, among others.

In the municipality of Sucupira do Riachão, in Maranhão, the COESUS team met with Pastor Pantaleão, leader of the church “O Senhor é o meu Pastor”, who repudiated fracking and pledged to take the word of defense of life to his congregation.

The active participation of religious institutions in this struggle is extremely important, as they play a fundamental role in raising awareness and promoting ethical and spiritual values. By embracing the cause of protecting the environment and fighting fracking, churches and their leaders demonstrate a commitment to life.

COESUS recognizes the importance of these partnerships and remains committed to promoting awareness about the negative impacts of fracking and the need to seek more sustainable energy alternatives. The joint work between the coalition and religious institutions strengthens the message of preserving life and reinforces the importance of taking care of our common home.


No al Fracking Brasil mantiene una alianza con representantes religiosos en favor de un futuro sostenible

Não Fracking Brasil mantém parceria com representantes religiosos em prol de um futuro sustentável


13 de setembro de 2022

O que é o fracking?

O fracking – também chamado de fraturamento hidráulico – é um processo que envolve a injeção de grandes volumes de água, produtos químicos e areia, a alta pressão, em camadas de rocha do subsolo para liberar o gás natural que está preso. Apesar de ser uma técnica já utilizada em vários países, ela é controversa por causar danos ambientais e ecológicos, incluindo contaminação da água subterrânea, liberação de gases de efeito estufa, terremotos induzidos etc. 


A COESUS – Coalizão Não Fracking Brasil pela Água e Vida, uma campanha do Instituto Internacional Arayara, está empenhada em uma luta que vai além de questões políticas ou econômicas. É uma luta pela vida, pela saúde e pelo futuro. Para isso, a coalizão une pessoas de várias crenças em prol de um propósito maior: cuidar do planeta. Desde o início, a parceria da COESUS com igrejas, templos religiosos e lugares sagrados é uma realidade, pois a defesa do meio ambiente é responsabilidade de todos.

Combater o fracking é dizer sim à vida, é afirmar que desejamos um planeta onde possamos viver em harmonia com a natureza, com os animais. É querer beber uma água limpa, comer alimentos livres de químicos tóxicos provenientes do fracking e respirar um ar puro.

Durante a campanha da Não Fracking Brasil, a COESUS visitou centenas de igrejas em mais de 17 estados brasileiros, levando a conscientização sobre os perigos da extração do gás de xisto. Com isso, encontrou aliados na defesa da vida, como a igreja católica, representada pela CNBB – Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil, diversas igrejas evangélicas, entre outras.

No município de Sucupira do Riachão, no Maranhão, a equipe da COESUS se reuniu com o pastor  Pantaleão, líder da igreja “O Senhor é o meu Pastor”, que repudiou o fracking e se comprometeu a levar a palavra de defesa da vida para sua congregação.

A participação ativa das instituições religiosas nessa luta é de extrema importância, pois elas possuem um papel fundamental na formação de consciências e na promoção de valores éticos e espirituais. Ao abraçar a causa da proteção ambiental e do combate ao fracking, as igrejas e seus líderes demonstram um compromisso com a vida.

A COESUS reconhece a importância dessas parcerias e segue engajada em promover a conscientização sobre os impactos negativos do fracking e a necessidade de buscar alternativas energéticas mais sustentáveis. O trabalho conjunto entre a coalizão e as instituições religiosas fortalece a mensagem de preservação da vida e reforça a importância de cuidarmos da nossa casa comum.