por Comunicação Arayara | 26, set, 2022 | Fracking |
Maranhão city undergoes several actions by No Fracking Brazil
What is fracking?
Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.
The city of Loreto, in Maranhão, received a team from COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, to carry out awareness and training actions to combat the exploitation of shale gas by fracking . The activities took place on September 26, 2022 and included participation in a public session at the city hall, a conversation with young people from the Paulo Freire School and a meeting with the local rural workers union.
The public session at the city hall was attended by COESUS, councilors and more than twenty people interested in the topic. Among those present were young people who participated in the training at the school, together with their parents. The presence of farmers who had participated in the Field Day was also significant.
After the speech at the City Council, the delivery of the bill aimed at prohibiting fracking in the municipality and region was formalized, highlighting the importance of this initiative to avoid the negative impacts of this practice. The councilors present undertook to present the bill for consideration and voting.
Another important moment took place during a meeting with the Loreto rural workers’ union. COESUS representatives, Suelita Röcker and Thiers Wilberger, met with union members at the entity’s headquarters, where training was held on the consequences of shale gas exploitation by fracking for agriculture.
Training at the Rural Workers Union of Loreto/MA
At the end of the training, Mr. Pedro, a representative of the union, got in touch with the different groups of the organization to inform them about the consequences and already discuss the matter in his next meeting with the farmers. All training material was made available to the union to help disseminate information.
por Comunicação Arayara | 26, set, 2022 | Fracking |
Two training courses were carried out by COESUS in a school in Loreto/MA
What is fracking?
Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.
History shows that Brazilian youth have always been present in the country’s most important moments of struggle and transformation. Whether in the demonstrations for Diretas Já, in the Occupations of 2016 or in the recent Global Strikes for the climate, young people have been protagonists in the search for a better future.
On September 26, 2022, COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, held two training sessions at Paulo Freire School, in the city of Loreto, Maranhão. The action had the participation of more than 200 students. Technical analysts Helena, Dalcio and Esmeralda were present and took the opportunity to disseminate information about fracking and engage young people in the climate cause.
The training lasted about two hours each and had the interested participation of the students. Among the topics addressed was the relevance of youth in building a fair and sustainable future. Which is reflected in the fact that it is these people who will be impacted by climate change in the near future.
Students from Paulo Freire School at the end of training.
Dalcio Costa, ativista da COESUS, ressaltou a importância de conscientizar e empoderar os jovens sobre o futuro que desejam. Segundo Dalcio:
“To raise awareness is to empower young people about the future they want. It is to guarantee the future of life”.
COESUS and the technical analysts highlighted the importance of encouraging youth participation in moments of transformation such as those experienced today in environmental issues. Training and dialogues such as those carried out at the Paulo Freire School are essential, according to the coalition, to increase the awareness and engagement of young people in causes in favor of the climate and the environment.
por Comunicação Arayara | 26, set, 2022 | Fracking |
Duas capacitações foram realizadas pela COESUS em um colégio de Loreto/MA
O que é o fracking?
O fracking – também chamado de fraturamento hidráulico – é um processo que envolve a injeção de grandes volumes de água, produtos químicos e areia, a alta pressão, em camadas de rocha do subsolo para liberar o gás natural que está preso. Apesar de ser uma técnica já utilizada em vários países, ela é controversa por causar danos ambientais e ecológicos, incluindo contaminação da água subterrânea, liberação de gases de efeito estufa, terremotos induzidos etc.
A história mostra que a juventude brasileira sempre esteve presente nos momentos mais importantes de luta e transformação do país. Seja nas manifestações pelas Diretas Já, nas Ocupações de 2016 ou nas recentes Greves Globais pelo clima, os jovens têm sido protagonistas na busca por um futuro melhor.
No dia 26 de setembro de 2022, a COESUS – Coalizão Não Fracking Brasil pela Água e Vida, uma campanha do Instituto Internacional Arayara, realizou duas capacitações na Escola Paulo Freire, na cidade de Loreto, Maranhão. A ação contou com a participação de mais de 200 alunos. Os analistas técnicos Helena, Dalcio e Esmeralda estiveram presentes e aproveitaram a oportunidade para divulgar informações a respeito do fracking e engajar os jovens na causa climática.
As capacitações duraram cerca de duas horas cada e teve a participação interessada dos estudantes. Entre os tópicos abordados, estava a relevância da juventude na construção de um futuro justo e sustentável. O que se reflete no fato de que são essas pessoas que serão impactadas pelas mudanças climáticas no futuro próximo.
Estudantes da Escola Paulo Freire ao fim da capacitação.
Dalcio Costa, ativista da COESUS, ressaltou a importância de conscientizar e empoderar os jovens sobre o futuro que desejam. Segundo Dalcio:
“Conscientizar é dar o empoderamento aos jovens sobre qual futuro eles querem. É garantir o futuro da vida”.
A COESUS e os analistas técnicos destacaram a importância de incentivar a participação da juventude em momentos de transformações como o vivido nos dias atuais nas questões ambientais. Capacitações e diálogos como os realizados na Escola Paulo Freire são essenciais, segundo a coalizão, para ampliar a conscientização e o engajamento dos jovens nas causas em prol do clima e do meio ambiente.
por Comunicação Arayara | 23, set, 2022 | Fracking |
El equipo de COESUS hizo una presentación a invitación de los legisladores de la ciudad maranhense.
¿Qué es el fracking?
El fracking, también conocido como fracturamiento hidráulico, es un proceso que implica la inyección a alta presión de grandes volúmenes de agua, productos químicos y arena en capas de roca subterránea para liberar el gas natural atrapado. Aunque es una técnica utilizada en varios países, es controvertida debido a los daños ambientales y ecológicos que causa, incluyendo la contaminación del agua subterránea, la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, los terremotos inducidos, entre otros.
El equipo de COESUS – Coalición No Fracking Brasil por el Agua y la Vida, una campaña del Instituto Internacional Arayara, fue invitado por los concejales de Novas Colinas, en Maranhão, para participar en una sesión pública realizada en el Ayuntamiento el 23 de septiembre de 2022. El grupo compartió información sobre los riesgos de la explotación de gas de esquisto mediante la técnica del fracking en los municipios de Maranhão. En la sesión estuvieron presentes 8 concejales y más de 10 representantes de la comunidad local.
La invitación se realizó después de una conversación con la presidenta del Sindicato Rural de Agricultores y Agricultoras de Nova Colinas, Ivanete Carvalho da Silva, y otros agricultores afiliados a la organización. Durante la conversación, se discutieron los riesgos del fracturamiento hidráulico y, después de ese momento, uno de los concejales presentes invitó al equipo de COESUS a realizar una presentación en el Ayuntamiento.
Durante la sesión, todos los presentes plantearon preguntas y cuestionaron los intereses de la industria petrolera en relación con la explotación de gas de esquisto mediante el fracking. El presidente del Ayuntamiento hizo varias preguntas sobre los impactos y la técnica de COESUS, Suelita Röcker, respondió basándose en estudios científicos y experiencias prácticas.
Al final de la capacitación, cada concejal expuso su posición en contra del fracking y reafirmó su compromiso de defender la vida y el bienestar de la población. Se comprometieron a presentar una ley que dificulte la entrada de empresas petroleras para la explotación de fracking en el municipio.
por Comunicação Arayara | 23, set, 2022 | Fracking |
The COESUS team made a speech at the invitation of parliamentarians from the city of Maranhão
What is fracking?
Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.
The COESUS team – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, was invited by the councilors of Novas Colinas, in Maranhão, to participate in a public session held at the City Council on September 23, 2022. The group shared information about the risks of exploiting shale gas using the fracking method in the municipalities of Maranhão. The plenary was attended by 8 councilors and more than 10 representatives of the local community.
The invitation was made after a conversation with the president of the Rural Union of Farmers and Farmers of Nova Colinas, Ivanete Carvalho da Silva, and other farmers linked to the body. The conversation dealt with the risks of hydraulic fracturing and, after that moment, one of the councilors present called the COESUS team to speak at the City Council.
During the session, all those present raised doubts and questioned the interests of the oil industry in relation to the exploitation of shale gas through fracking. The mayor asked several questions about the impacts, and the COESUS technician, Suelita Röcker, answered based on scientific studies and practical experiences.
At the end of the training, each councilor explained his views against fracking and reaffirmed his commitment to defending the life and well-being of the population. They pledged to present a law that would make it difficult for oil companies to explore fracking in the municipality.