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Federal University of Maranhão participates in training with COESUS

Federal University of Maranhão participates in training with COESUS

The meeting dealt with the impacts of fracking in the municipalities of the state

What is fracking?

Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.

The team from COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute, carried out a training on the campus of the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), located in Balsas, on September 16, 2022. During the event, the impacts that Fracking is capable of causing in the municipalities of Maranhão were presented.

The social worker, Ellen, and the secretary Jhonathaem were the participants in the conversation and were responsible for sharing the information with the academic staff. In addition, the COESUS team made a special invitation for the principal, professors, employees and students of the college to participate in a public hearing in Balsas, held on September 21, at the city council. The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the risks of exploiting shale gas using the Fracking method in the municipalities of Maranhão.

It is important to emphasize that COESUS values science and education, with the participation of several educational teaching centers in its activities. Raising awareness of the dangers of Fracking is one of the fundamental pillars of the coalition’s mission.

At the public hearing, the director of UFMA – Balsas, Mrs. Gisélia Santos, was present along with professors from the environmental engineering course who volunteered to be part of COESUS. The union between academia and civil society is essential to combat the negative impacts of Fracking and seek more sustainable alternatives for the development of the state.

The active participation of the academic community and the engagement of educational institutions are crucial in the fight against Fracking, in order to guarantee the protection of the environment and the preservation of the health and well-being of the population.



São João dos Patos se capacita sobre los riesgos del Fracking

São João dos Patos se capacita sobre los riesgos del Fracking

No al Fracking Brasil conversó con varios sectores de la ciudad

¿Qué es el fracking?

El fracking, también conocido como fracturamiento hidráulico, es un proceso que implica la inyección de grandes volúmenes de agua, productos químicos y arena a alta presión en capas de roca subterránea para liberar el gas natural atrapado. Aunque es una técnica utilizada en varios países, es controvertida debido a los daños ambientales y ecológicos que causa, como la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas, la liberación de gases de efecto invernadero, los terremotos inducidos, entre otros.


En el 14 de septiembre de 2022, la Secretaría Municipal de Medio Ambiente de São João dos Patos, en Maranhão, participó en una importante capacitación sobre el tema “Fracking: una amenaza para el futuro de Brasil”. La charla fue impartida por miembros de No al Fracking Brasil, una campaña del Instituto Internacional Arayara. Durante el evento, la responsable técnica de la secretaría compartió que tenía en sus manos una solicitud protocolizada en el ayuntamiento y remitida a la Secretaría Municipal de Medio Ambiente, a la espera de un informe técnico. La información proporcionada durante la capacitación fue crucial para fundamentar sus consideraciones y, quizás, permitir un informe desfavorable con respecto al uso y ocupación del suelo solicitados para las prácticas de fracking en la ciudad.

Además, se llevó a cabo otra capacitación sobre el fracking para los empleados del Sindicato de Trabajadores Rurales del municipio. La preocupación ante esta amenaza fue evidente, y los participantes se preguntaron si el alcalde y el ayuntamiento estaban al tanto de esta situación. Se comprometieron a transmitir la información recibida a todos los miembros cooperativos y asociados, buscando crear conciencia y movilizar a la comunidad sobre los riesgos del método.

La concienciación también llegó a la Diócesis de Caxias, donde se llevó a cabo una reunión virtual con el Obispo Dom Sebastião. Durante el encuentro, se reafirmó la asociación de la Iglesia Católica con No al Fracking Brasil y Arayara, y se abordó la situación del fracking tanto en la región como en el estado de Maranhão. El Obispo manifestó su apoyo e hizo una invitación especial para que el equipo participara en el evento de la Pastoral Juvenil, así como en la Romería de la Pastoral de la Juventud que se llevó a cabo los días 17 y 18 del mismo mes en la ciudad de Carolina/MA.

La Romería de la Pastoral de la Juventud es un evento de la Iglesia que se celebra cada cuatro años y atrae a más de 20,000 jóvenes. Durante este encuentro, se asignó un espacio de aproximadamente 30 minutos para que el representante de No al Fracking Brasil y Arayara, Dalcio Costa, hablara sobre el fracking y sus impactos ante los jóvenes presentes.

El Obispo también invitó a No al Fracking Brasil a participar en la celebración de los 30 años de la Pastoral de la Juventud y en las festividades de San Francisco de Asís, patrono de la iglesia local, así como a una reunión con los sacerdotes para tratar asuntos internos.

Estas acciones resaltan la importancia de la concienciación y la unión de diversos sectores de la sociedad en la lucha contra el fracking, con el objetivo de proteger el medio ambiente y garantizar un futuro seguro para todos. No al Fracking Brasil sigue comprometido en promover la concienciación sobre los peligros del fracking y buscar alternativas más sostenibles para el desarrollo de Brasil.

Ciudad de Carolina recibe al equipo de COESUS

Ciudad de Carolina recibe al equipo de COESUS

No al Fracking Brasil participó en varias reuniones en el municipio y habló en la X Romería de la Juventud

¿Qué es el fracking? 

El fracking, también conocido como fracturamiento hidráulico, es un proceso que implica la inyección de grandes volúmenes de agua, productos químicos y arena a alta presión en capas de roca subterránea para liberar el gas natural atrapado. Aunque es una técnica utilizada en varios países, es controvertida debido a los daños ambientales y ecológicos que causa, como la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas, la liberación de gases de efecto invernadero, los terremotos inducidos, entre otros.

La Chapada das Mesas, ubicada en el municipio de Carolina, en Maranhão, es un tesoro natural. Con su Parque Nacional, atrae a turistas de todo el país. Sin embargo, esta región está amenazada por la posibilidad de explotación de gas de esquisto mediante el fracking. COESUS – Coalizão Não Fracking Brasil pela Água e Vida, una campaña del Instituto Internacional Arayara, estuvo presente en el evento de la X Romería de la Juventud, organizado por la Pastoral Juvenil y la CNBB – Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil. Durante la romería, el activista Dalcio Costa, miembro de COESUS, subió al escenario y expuso sobre los impactos negativos del fracking en el trabajo, la vida y el futuro de la juventud.

Carolina tiene un próspero mercado turístico impulsado por el Parque Nacional de la Chapada das Mesas, que puede estar amenazado por la presencia del fracking en la región. El estado de Maranhão ya tiene 64 municipios subastados para la explotación no convencional de gas de esquisto, pero los impactos del método no se limitan solo a las áreas directamente afectadas, sino que también alcanzan a las ciudades vecinas.

El equipo de COESUS llevó a cabo una serie de capacitaciones sobre los impactos del fracking en los municipios de Maranhão. Se visitaron el ayuntamiento, la alcaldía, el tribunal y el Ministerio Público de Carolina, con el objetivo de concientizar e informar a las autoridades locales sobre los riesgos del fracking. Durante la visita, el equipo de COESUS tuvo la oportunidad de conocer la histórica iglesia de Carolina. Con más de 100 años, este templo es considerado sagrado por sus fieles y la cruz erigida frente a la iglesia evoca la época de los jesuitas.


Ciudad de Carolina recibe al equipo de COESUS

Carolina city receives COESUS team

No Fracking Brazil participated in several meetings in the municipality and gave a speech at the X Pilgrimage of Youth

What is fracking?

Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.

Chapada das Mesas, located in the municipality of Carolina, in Maranhão, is a natural treasure. With its National Park, it attracts tourists from all over the country. However, this region is threatened by the possibility of exploiting shale gas through fracking.

COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign of the Arayara International Institute, was present at the event of the X Pilgrimage of Youth, promoted by the Youth Pastoral and by CNBB – National Conference of Bishops of Brazil. During the pilgrimage, activist Dalcio Costa, a member of COESUS, took the stage and gave a presentation on the negative impacts of fracking on work, life and the future of youth.

Carolina has a thriving tourist market, boosted by the Chapada das Mesas National Park, which may be threatened by the presence of fracking in the region. The state of Maranhão already has 64 municipalities auctioned for the unconventional exploration of shale gas, but the impacts of the method are not restricted to the directly affected areas, also reaching neighboring cities.

The COESUS team undertook a series of training courses on the impacts of fracking in the municipalities of Maranhão. The city hall, the city hall, the forum and the Public Ministry of Carolina were visited, with the aim of raising awareness and informing local authorities about the risks of fracking.

During the visit, the COESUS team had the opportunity to visit Carolina’s historic church. Over 100 years old, this temple is considered sacred by its faithful and the cross erected in front of the church dates back to the Jesuit era.


São João dos Patos se capacita sobre los riesgos del Fracking

São João dos Patos undergoes training on Fracking risks

No Fracking Brazil talked to several sectors of the city

What is fracking?

Fracking – also called hydraulic fracturing – is a process that involves injecting large volumes of water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into underground rock layers to release trapped natural gas. Despite being a technique already used in several countries, it is controversial because it causes environmental and ecological damage, including contamination of groundwater, release of greenhouse gases, induced earthquakes, etc.


On September 14, 2022, the São João dos Patos Municipal Secretariat for the Environment, in Maranhão, participated in an important training session on the theme “Fracking: a threat to the future of Brazil” . The speech was given by members of COESUS – Coalition No Fracking Brazil for Water and Life, a campaign by the Arayara International Institute. During the event, the technical responsible for the secretariat shared that she had a request filed with the city hall and forwarded to the SMMA, awaiting a technical opinion. The information provided during the training was crucial to support their considerations and, who knows, enable an unfavorable opinion regarding the use and occupation of the land requested for Fracking practices in the city.

In addition, another training course on Fracking was held for civil servants from the Union of Workers and Rural Workers in the municipality. Concern about this threat was evident, and participants questioned whether the mayor and the city council were aware of this situation. They undertook to pass on the information received to all cooperative members and associates, seeking to raise awareness and mobilize the community about the risks of the method.

Awareness also reached the Diocese of Caxias, where a virtual meeting with Bishop Dom Sebastião took place. During the meeting, the partnership of the Catholic Church with COESUS and ARAYARA was reaffirmed and the situation of Fracking both in the region and in the state of Maranhão was addressed. The Bishop expressed his support and made a special invitation for the team to participate in the Youth Pastoral event, as well as the Youth Pastoral Pilgrimage that took place on the 17th and 18th of the same month in the city of Carolina/MA.

Dalcio Costa speaking with young people from the Youth Pastoral Pilgrimage

The Youth Pastoral Pilgrimage is a Church event, which takes place every four years and attracts more than 20,000 young people. During this meeting, a space of about 30 minutes was granted for the representative of COESUS and ARAYARA, Dalcio Costa, to talk about Fracking and its impacts to the young people present.

The Bishop also invited COESUS to participate in the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Youth Pastoral and in the festivities of São Francisco de Assis, patron saint of the local church. As well as a meeting with the priests to discuss internal matters.

These actions highlight the importance of raising awareness and uniting different sectors of society in the fight against Fracking, with a view to protecting the environment and ensuring a safe future for all. COESUS remains committed to promoting awareness about the dangers of Fracking and seeking more sustainable alternatives for the development of Brazil.