+55 (41) 9 8445 0000 arayara@arayara.org

ARAYARA.org Institute Joins the #513VozesPorEscazu Campaign

The International Arayara Institute, a non-profit organization that has been active for over 30 years in environmental and human rights advocacy, has joined the #513VozesPorEscazu campaign by the Escazú Brazil Movement, a coalition of organizations advocating for the ratification of the Escazú Agreement by Brazil.

The Escazú Agreement is an international treaty that ensures the right to access environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making processes, and access to environmental justice in Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil is one of the countries that has not yet ratified the agreement. In other words, the Agreement has not been voted on by the legislative bodies in our country to have legal binding effect here.

The Escazú Brazil movement aims to raise awareness among the Brazilian population about the importance of the Escazú Agreement and to urge the Brazilian government to ratify it as promptly as possible. Additionally, the movement promotes civil society engagement in agreement-related themes, with a current focus on its implementation in the country.

Leaders and activists can engage in the fight for the ratification of the Escazú Agreement by Brazil in various ways:

  • Participating in efforts to raise awareness among the Brazilian population about what the Escazú Agreement is and its significance for Brazil.
  • Persuading the Brazilian government to ratify it quickly, and subsequently, to promote measures for its full and effective implementation.
  • Promoting advocacy actions with the Brazilian government and international bodies.


The 513 Voices for Escazú Campaign

The 513 Voices for Escazú Campaign aims to promote public awareness about the intersection of climate justice, human rights, and environmental protection. The goal is to mobilize socio-environmental activists to share their experiences and messages about the importance of the Escazú Agreement in Brazil.

Through videos recorded by Brazilian activists, the campaign seeks to give voice to those engaged in socio-environmental advocacy and briefly highlight how human rights violations intersect with environmental violations in Latin America and the Caribbean. By emphasizing the need for the ratification of the Escazú Agreement, the 513 Voices for Escazú Campaign aims to promote public participation and access to information and justice in environmental matters, which are fundamental to achieving a more sustainable, fair, and equitable society.

How to Participate?

To participate in the campaign, you can create a video of up to 45 seconds in which you introduce yourself and invite the representatives of your state to support the ratification of the agreement. Additionally, it’s worth highlighting a case of socio-environmental advocacy that you identify with and that would benefit from the expansion of rights to access information, justice, and participation proposed by the Escazú Agreement. Use your creativity and the power of your voice to promote the creation of more tools for environmental advocacy and the protection of human rights in Brazil and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

To submit your video, access the form at the link below.

Video Submission Form: <https://bit.ly/513vozes >

Let your voice resonate!


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